This privacy statement tells you what personal information we collect and how it is used when dealing with you particularly with regard to this website.
Personal information
- We do not store any personal information on this website.
- We take every precaution to protect your privacy when dealing with you.
- We never pass any of your personal information to a third party unless you explicitly consent to it in each case.
Cookies are small text files passed to your computer by websites that you visit. They are usually stored by your web-browser software and have an expiry date after which the browser will destroy them. They are widely used in order to make websites work, or work more efficiently, as well as to provide information to website owners.
- This site does not store any personal or tracking information in cookies for websites visitors. It does not even give cookies out.
- We may sometimes display embedded content from other websites on our websites (such as video or photographs) that may require cookies. We are not responsible for those cookies or those sites and you should refer to the owners of those sites on those matters. Where possible we will ensure embedded content does not have tracking cookies.
We may occasionally link to selected external sites and this statement does not cover those websites. You are advised to refer to their own privacy statements for further details.
If you find anything on this website that you think conflicts with this statement, please let us know and we will deal with it as best we can.
This website complies with both GDPR 2018 and EU Cookie law of 2011.
You may also be interested in our Legal and copyright page.